Refine your business.
Hone your skills.
Create an efficient, innovative and agile business.
Build a strong, motivated and diverse team of professionals.

Executive Engagements
Providing acting, interim and transitional leadership.

Transformational Change
Restructure, DEI assessment and strategic advice.

Talent Development
Executive coaching, mentoring and team development.

….to remove impurities or unwanted elements
Our Refine service offering specialises in driving business efficiency and transformation.
As businesses and their markets evolve, the structures, processes and corporate habits need to evolve to continue to serve the business functions. The Refine offering assesses business fundamentals, identifies opportunities for improvement and creates implementation plans to capitalise on these opportunities. Our experienced team will lead your business through transitional times.
….to perfect something over a period of time
Our Hone service specialises in supporting high potential individuals and teams.
People are the most valuable resource. Many businesses fail to invest adequately in their people, through the lack of internal resources, or the changing nature of their business. We provide coaching and mentoring for individuals and teams. Using a structured approach supports the development of high performance teams and individuals that are well prepared to seize new opportunities as they arise.

We are driven by values
Refine & Hone was created to focus soley on adding discrete value by supporting businesses and individuals to achieve their potential. Transparency and integrity underpin everything we do. We value openess and honesty and strive to develop enduring relationships with the people we choose to work with.

“Would be an amazing mentor, not only for graduates but also for more senior leaders”

“Helping business translate their purpose to achieve organisational goals”

“An inate ability to undestand peoples strengths and place them in positions where they can grow successfully”
Let’s work together
Bring out the best in you, your business, your leaders and your teams. Let us show you how.